Tune Terminal in OS X Lion

If your are using terminals on other operatings systems than OS X on a daily basis, you might have noticed that the Terminal App behaves a little bit different in some aspects. When I installed my iMac a year ago I needed some time to adopt everything to my needs. Yesterday, I received my new MacBook Air running OS X Lion and when I tried to get everything like on my iMac I found some things which changed in Lion. So I decided to write a small post about my Terminal tweaks. Continue reading

Installing additional SSD in Mid-2010 27" iMac

The 27" version of the Mid-2010 iMac is available with an additional 256 GB Solid State Drive for a small extra fee of $750. As I already owned an 160 GB Intel X25 G2 SSD I wanted to use this in my new iMac as well. There is several information on the web, how to replace the hard disk or the optical drive with a SDD, but information about adding a SSD without losing the hard drive and the optical drive is very rare.

spare parts

The problem is, that all iMac which haven't been ordered with the built-in SDD miss the mounting option for the SDD and the cables. So you have to order them separately. Fortunately http://applecomponents.com has them in stock. You will need three parts:

  • The power cable 922-9531 with connectors for logic board, LED backlight, hard disk and SDD which replaces the old power cable.
  • The mounting kit 922-9485 for the SSD which will replace a small plastic part
  • The SATA data cable 922-9538 which connects the SSD with the logic board

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Skype auf dem iPhone


Skype auf dem iPhone

Seit heute gibt es auch Skype auf dem iPhone.  Es läßt sich hier im Appstore kostenlos herunterladen. Laut Spiegel Online soll bei den T-Online das Telefonieren in GPRS/UMTS Netz nicht möglich sein.

Auf meinem iPhone klappte die Installtion problemlos. Mit meiner O2-Karte kann ich allerdings auch nicht über GPRS/UMTS Skype Telefonate führen. Im WLAN klappt es aber problemlos.

Da die Anwendung aber offen sein muss um Telefonate empfangen zu können, macht es auf dem iPhone eigentlich nur Sinn um ausgehende Telefonate zu führen oder per Skype zu chatten.